Did you know that District12 Photographics can be found else where online besides on our website. We are linked to both, Instagram and Facebook. This allows us to bring new content and updates on multiple platforms so you can easily find us.
Are you on Instagram? Why not follow us! You will see the most update-to-date imagery and the best ‘Throw Back Thursday’ & ‘Flash Back Friday’ from previous shoots. So, what are you waiting for? Check out our Instagram and follow us.
How about Facebook? Do you spent time browsing news feeds and checking out what’s happening with your favourite pages? ‘LikeUs’ on Facebook to see our latest news, sneak peeks and announcements. By doing so, you will be sure to be notified as soon as we post new images, blogs and our latest deals & promotions. Facebook, you can take it away!
Keep a close tab on our shoots, all the time. 24/7 from your PC/MAC, tablet or mobile device. Don’t hesitate, get on the band-wagon.