It was great to find out that once again, we have our work published in Calgary based magazine, StandOUT Publications. It was great being contact by them after they saw our shoot in Saskatchewan about a week and a half ago. They loved the work and thought it would fit perfect into the Western theme of the issue.
The photographic sessions took place just north of Swift Current, Saskatchewan, about five minutes town on a family property. We want to thank my cousins for their continued used of their property through out our photographic development.
As posted on Facebook, check out the latest issue of the StandOUT Publications:

“Good morning Canada!
Just in time for your morning read, our No. 5 Issue just released!
Over the past year we have developed and refined our company, StandOUT Publications, into a multimedia platform aimed at delivering honest and inspirational stories about extraordinary Canadians to all of Canada. We are a monthly digital/print-on-demand magazine hoping to provide our readers with positive stories that showcase Canadians and the diversity that exists within our country. Each issue is designed around a theme which will not only include the relevant stories, but also highlight the imagery and landscapes of Canada in a way that makes our magazine aesthetically beautiful.
Our monthly digital/print-on-demand magazine is filled with light, positive, and inspiring stories to help combat the negative media emerging in our news today.
We are committed to uncovering the stories of extraordinary Canadians and sharing them with the rest of Canada by using our platform. We offer fantastic subscription prices for our readers with full access to digital content – including mobile devices, iPads, laptops, desktops, etc. If desired, print copies can be ordered and delivered straight to your mailbox.
Our intended market falls into the age range of Late Millennials and Generation X. StandOUT Publications guarantees that every magazine will be complete with positive and inspirational Canadian stories for readers who wants an alternative to reading negative news.
We standOUT from our digital and print competitors by offering both of these forms of media in order to provide for a larger audience. Our magazine is not dominated by advertisements and we carefully select the stories that are honest and inspiring.
Our magazine defines what it means to be Canadian and embraces the stories of the true north. We are proud. We are Canadian – strong and free.
Thanks to every single one of you who have supported us!
Order your DIGITAL subscription (you get to read our issues right away)
Order your PRINT ON DEMAND (10$ + USD shipping)
Front Cover Photo: Zev Vitaly Abosh
Back Cover Photo: Jeff McDonald
Makeup: Douglas Cressman
Hair: Channing Crowshoe
Stylist: KD Andrew Lamarche
Models: Kaila Dawn Mitch Wiebe
Location: Barrier Lakes, AB
Boutique: Connie’s Closet
Beverages: Fallentimber Meadery
Limo: Kurt Thiessen
Desserts: SWIRL Custom Cakes & Desserts
Take a look at the most recent issue on StandOUT Publications website. Did you miss an issue? You can still view old issue and can still be ordered through print-on-demand for back issues. Stay tuned… there is a lot to come from this magazine. And remember, you can find more of our work, news and information on Facebook or Instagram.