… Just hold your horses. You didn’t think it was going to be that easy to get our announcement out from us, did you? But, I did promise some sneak peaks or hints until we release, so I better get to it.
You have probably noticed that there has been some slight changes happening to our website slowly. It’s been slowly happening on a weekly basis, planning for the big event. The changes may not be significant, but most people will see changes in the following areas:
– Content
– Photographic Albums
– Elimination of Pages
But this is not all that we have been working on. We have been telling you for a couple weeks now, but nothing to really get your heart racing. Well, he hope this does…
If that didn’t work, well, you have exactly two weeks until Christmas here. If you aren’t ready… well, you better get your butt into gear. Realizing this might get your a little stressed, but relax… there bigger and better things happening. We will release the big announcement in exactly three weeks – January 1, 2018 – Happy New Years, folks.
District12 Photographics
commercial, creative, portrait & wedding photography