Photo of the Week: Green Means Go

The Photo of the Week (POTW) that was last posted was said to be our very first published work.  We might have been fibbing just a tiny bit.  I mean, a little white lie never hurt anyone, did it?

That’s the fun of looking at old images.  You forget why they are still so relevant to the portfolio.  And that’s exactly what happened; we were searching for our next POTW.  Last weeks photo was a combination of technique, planning, professional equipment and a whole lot of planning.  

That doesn’t change the fact that this photo was actually the first photo that we had published.  The difference is, we were just starting to get into the world of photography.  I enjoyed taking my point and shoot around town or other communities that I had visited just to take some stock images of whatever caught my eye.

This image was actually taken in downtown Regina, Saskatchewan on my first ‘professional grade’ point and shoot digital camera.  I used a built-in setting called ‘colour accent’, locked the colour of the traffic light and shot.  There was little post-production done to this image prior to submitting it to the provincial contest.

District12 Photographics

You could say this what lit our butt to the world of photography.  I was now published in Ariva Magazine.  Unfortunately, the publication is no longer around, however, that little win of being published got our passion burning.  

Keep your passion burning or try to find a way to light your spark – D12