Sometime you just gotta ‘toot your own horn’. We kind of decided to do just that this week. We don’t mean to brag as we are pretty humble about what we do and how we work, but we did have to share this one with you.
We work with a small publication in the Calgary area called, Standout Publications. At that time, we wrote freelance articles when we could with them. But then a big opportunity came up with our mother’s old friend who was a jewellery designer from British Columbia.
To make a long story short, this is the first time we got to shoot with designer and pull high end clothes from a local boutique in Swift Current. The designer actually had ties to a local jewellery store that we got to pull from to. Best part was, it my high school English teacher’s family owned it. We got to shoot at a very private location. It was a beautiful weekend spent back at home.
Finally, we were able to submit an article in which we wrote about the designer. Through the dedicated planning and hard work on everyone’s end, I was able to have out written feature article published about the designer and so were all the photographs we shot that afternoon.
Just remember, dedicate your live and self to something you truly are passionate about and love. Hard work some times sucks and takes a long time to pay off, but when it does, the rewards of success is something that is humbling.
Keep your chin up and eyes on the prize – D12
District12 Photographics
commercial, creative, portrait & wedding photography