While many of us self-isolate and work from home, it easy to go stir-crazy. Being stuck inside, restricted from going on with our normal lives is very daunting. Being a creative, it’s even harder to find an appropriate outlet to release these juices.
I will be completely honest, I hadn’t really picked up my camera since late Fall 2019 as there have been many changes in my life. I moved homes, thus a few months of settling and getting all set up and decorated. With a new home comes a new studio space. New natural lighting conditions and studio space.
I have been itching to bring models into the space to do some testing, but that hasn’t occurred. Real life took over and I took some time to focus on me. Now that we are in a world-wide pandemic with the Covid-19 virus, this would be a perfect opportunity to do so considering the isolation of being at home. However, because this virus needs to be stopped, I cannot think about bringing models into my home. We must as a society protect ourselves and others.
So how do I photograph in my new space?
- Take photos of accessories in your homes like candles or flowers
- Do you like collecting vintage pieces? Photograph your collections in different light, compositions and directions.
- Look for the unseen beauty in the items that are laying around your house.
- Look for quick, cheap and easy DIY photography projects such as a Lightbox or photographic set.
- Play with your editing software to see if you can learn something new or perfect a technique you have been utilizing.
I began taking pieces off of display and shooting those. These aren’t award winning shots by any means, but it allowed me to learn and experience what type of lighting conditions I will work with in the future with live individuals.
Do you have any fun or inspiring photos ideas you would like to share with us? What are your favourite things to photograph in your home? What types of techniques do you use? Let us know below by commenting?
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