What a year it has already been in 2020. The snow is still not melted in Calgary and it’s basically April. Will Spring arrive? Eventually it will but what’s most important during the Covid-19 Pandemic is that you remain safe, healthy and in isolation.
We are so happy to see people around our community getting outside for fresh air while practicing the correct procedures of social distancing. It’s a hard time for everyone, with the shut down of many careers, health of loved ones and the uncertainty the world holds for all of us.
We continue to work with our clients during this time. All bookings and bookings requests will commence as scheduled. However, please note, to protect our clients and ourselves, cancellations may occur if:

1. Photographer or client have symptoms of the COVID-19 virus. *SESSION REBOOKING FREE OF CHARGE*
2. A session of ten or more people. This includes photographer and assistant. *FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT WEDDINGS, PLEASE CONTACT US*
3. Client is in a high-risk demographic such as a senior, immune-compromised people, or toddlers and young children. This is to help protect the most vulnerable and to keep those who are asymptomatic or high-risk carriers isolated.