For Your Information… we are going to take the holiday season to finish our revamping of our commercial website and business.  What does this mean for you? We at District12 Photographics we will be taking December 22, 2017 off and will be returning to our normal operating hours on January 02, 2018.  During…

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Photo of the Week: That Partier

I love scanning through old images of mine.  Some time I shot better photos before I went to school, while other times, I’m glad I did.  Now with everything, there are rules for a reason, but with art, those rules are meant to be broken. Experiment, play and get better with…

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24 Days & Counting Down

Well, there is only 24 days left before and we can finally share our exciting announcement about our 2018 – 2019 photograph year.  We want to keep reminding you, as we promise this will make your business more simple, efficient and additional features.   But then we thought, “Hmmm – if we are…

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Art is Art is Art

Later last week, I was scrolling through my social media and I came across a group of photographers discussing an artistic subject.  So, I thought to myself, “Why not take a gander on what is up?” I almost wish I hadn’t.  It was quite interesting to see what this group…

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End-of-Summer Sale

We are in September already, school is back in and it’s true, summer is almost done.  What does this mean?  We want to bring some huge savings to you!  Why not take 50 per cent (50%) off any session, on location within Calgary. Want to head out of the city?…

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Project Teasers

It’s been another busy August for us.  From working on our photographs to capturing imagery for StandOut Publications, we are able to show a sneak peak of images to be published and released later next week. Almost ready for release, StandOut Publications latest ‘Success in Canada’ issue will be helping represent and…

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