Ageless, sophistication and originality are standards in the marketing universe. More so, Calgary’s diverse market requires a unique form of all-in-one applications, from one specialized company able to maneuver, acquire and attain the needs of the clientele.
Vinegar Designs Lab is a “one-stop-laboratory that provides advertising products, marketing & branding consultation, I.T. development, network and social media tools” for clientele who are seeking an effective, but diverse and creative product for their commercial needs.
Jack Lee and Vincent Law, founders and owners of Vinegar Designs Lab, pride the company on the exclusive and variety-driven team of talent that sets the organization apart from similar agencies in Calgary.
“We are a designs lab; a laboratory that caters to design and creativity with scientific methodology as the backbone of our founding philosophy,” Lee said.
“Vinegar Designs Lab wears many different coats,” Law said. “Our team consists of: a scientist, fashion model, psychologist, cinematographer, photographers, branding consultants, graphic designers, IT developers, fashion designers and writers.”
“A well-rounded team that understands the current affairs of the world.”
Vinegar Designs Lab approach’s each client with a personalized method of marketing and promoting through concentrated theories of research and trend foreshadowing to develop customized business advertising plans.
“We observe and research the client’s market and help them to understand their standpoint and advantages within the market,” Lee said.
“We then formulate a hypothesis and advertising strategies with a result-oriented focus.
“We test out our theories with different advertising tools to get the most consistent result; making sure our clients benefit from our service and products is the priority.”
Vinegar Designs Lab, in such a saturated and unique market, allows every client to become the perfect fit for the agency, rather then focusing in one niche area.
“As Vinegar Designs Lab’s clients, [the business] deserves personalized and carefully tailored service that would match their needs perfectly,” Law said.
“It is our firm’s mission and goal to ensure one hundred per cent satisfaction with our service and product.”
As anticipation with market change and development, Vinegar Designs Lab believes a wise prediction of the industry will take the company into a successful future of expansion in the Calgary area.
“Oil & gas, bars and restaurants will continue to be two of the prospective industries, out of many in Calgary,” said Lee.
“After all, as a leading province of the oil and gas industry in Canada, we can never underestimate consumers’ monetary value and buying power.
“We also see a consistent growth of the IT sector. And although we couldn’t say Calgary is becoming a fashion capital, we can see the effort has been made in the city [in] trying to build a solid fashion community.”
Vinegar Designs Lab looks forward to the continued engagement in Calgary’s corporate and business communities, bringing its highest satisfaction to their clients advertising needs.
“By working together we can bring our special skills to the table, building a stronger network as one unit.”
“We cannot express how grateful we feel with the tremendous support we’ve been getting from everyone.”