For Your Information… we are going to take the holiday season to finish our revamping of our commercial website and business.  What does this mean for you?

We at District12 Photographics we will be taking December 22, 2017 off and will be returning to our normal operating hours on January 02, 2018.  During this time, you are still able to book your session out of these dates.  Want to start off 2018 right?  Be the first to book their session.

And what will you see on our website?  You will not see any new blog posts during that week.  As we said, we are taking the time to finish the necessary tasks to ensure we are ready to launch in 2018.  Plus, we all need some time with friends and family.


You may receive error messages or page errors, especially if clicking on old links from blogs, social media posts or our sister Facebook page.  Why are you seeing this?  We are revamping everything.  We are removing and adding pages.  This is to ensure customer ease and understanding of our information on our webpages.

You may notice photo galleries or images have been removed.  We want to be sure that our content is always updated and showcases the best of our work.  We will be come very specific on what we post on our website, but you will be able to see more on our Instagram & Facebook.